Our Objectives

Shot Term Objectives


- Build a strong business management system capable of managing projects efficiently and in an integrated manner
- Enhance the effectiveness of our business management mechanism and our competitiveness by forming a network of partnerships with specialists in the fields of accounting, financial auditing, taxes, law, marketing, design, technology, digital transformation, etc...
- Provide specialized management and business advisory services


- Building an electronic platform specialized in linking various investment opportunities and financiers of various kinds to support the establishment of specialized projects in different fields
- Regional expansion in project management and advisory services
- Supporting the administrative system by establishing regional partnerships to support expansions


- Provide the services of electronic platforms in some Arab countries to support the establishment of new projects in the Arab Gulf countries and North Africa.
- Establish two new international branches in the Arabian Gulf to support the expansion of various projects and the expansion of the provision of advisory services and project management.

Strategic Objectives


•    Launch an Arab electronic platform that brings together independent consultants to provide services to the business sector.
•    Launch the first local platform specialized in M&E to measure the performance of business enterprises.
•    Establish UBUNTU Academy to build the capacity of the SMEs in the MENA region.


•    Establish UBUNTU Community Development Foundation.
•    Regional expansion in project management and advisory services
•    Support the Management mechanism and performance with regional partnerships.


•    Establish UBUNTU Arab African Network for Business Risks Management and Security.
•    Establish UBUNTU Business Knowledge  Bank “UBKB”

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